Portsmouth job fair

Not everybody looking for a job is landing one.

Tyler Holmes left a Portsmouth job fair with a water bottle, a bouncy ball and the confidence he would snag a summer job.

Melissa Terrio looked for job leads virtually from London in hopes of moving to New Hampshire, where she has family.

What's Working

What’s Working

What’s Working, a series exploring solutions for New Hampshire’s workforce needs, is sponsored by the New Hampshire Solutions Journalism Lab at the Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications and is funded by Eversource, Fidelity Investments, the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, the New Hampshire College & University Council, Northeast Delta Dental and the New Hampshire Coalition for Business and Education.

Contact reporter Michael Cousineau at mcousineau@unionleader.com. To read stories in the series, visit unionleader.com/whatsworking.