Hiring sign

To see the report from which the statistics in this story was taken, go to https://www.nhes.nh.gov/elmi/products/documents/wages-all.pdf

Hiring sign

I f you got a pay raise during the pandemic, you weren’t alone.

Workers in New Hampshire on average made nearly $2 more an hour in the year ending last June, according to a comparison of two annual state reports on wages and occupations.


What’s Working, a series exploring solutions for New Hampshire’s workforce needs, is sponsored by the New Hampshire Solutions Journalism Lab at the Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications and is funded by Eversource, Fidelity Investments, the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, the New Hampshire College & University Council, Northeast Delta Dental and the New Hampshire Coalition for Business and Education.

Contact reporter Michael Cousineau at mcousineau@unionleader.com. To read stories in the series, visit unionleader.com/whatsworking.