Sometimes, highly specialized equipment is required to complete drain cleaning.

With holiday gatherings, extra guests, and the generally busy nature of the holidays, your pipes have gotten quite a workout. And if you live in a cold section of the nation, freezing could be a serious concern going forward. Right now is a good time to keep an eye on your pipes. Drain cleaning is an essential part of preventative maintenance. Drain cleaning makes your system more efficient, and can potentially avoid bigger plumbing problems down the line.

If you hear gurgling sounds, notice foul odors, experience recurrent clogs or see slow drainage, consider hiring a licensed plumber or drain cleaner to take a look. In some cases, you might be able to solve the problem yourself with a simple drain snake purchased at a big-box store. But more complex clogs will require the attention of a pro; running complicated equipment down your pipes is a delicate and complicated task that shouldn’t be treated as a DIY task.

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