DEAR ABBY: My husband looks at pornography. I find it disgusting and it turns me off. I feel that if he has to look at it, it means I’m not good enough or sexy enough for him. I don’t believe his excuse of “It has nothing to do with you.” When I try to tell him how it makes me feel, he becomes indignant and turns the conversation around to something he doesn’t like about me to take the focus off himself.

He doesn’t watch porn around me, but he gets pop-up ads on his phone all the time, so I assume he looks at it frequently. I have even seen notifications suggesting he belongs to a website where he can chat with women, although he says he has no idea why he gets them. I’m not stupid. I don’t know anyone else with this kind of issue. I haven’t been able to have sex with him lately knowing this is going on. I don’t have plans to leave him over this, but what can I do?

Write to Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069